To identify parents with a chemical dependency or mental health problem whose actions negatively impact the parenting of their minor children, offer a voluntary court program that places them into treatment, provides them with a guide as to how to maintain sobriety or mental health wellness, along with supports in the community and in court while at the same time allowing for a graduated parenting time schedule that will be in the best interest of the minor child.
Eligibility Requirements:
- All cases, including parentage & legal custody, are eligible, except:
- the potential participant-parent (PPP) does not voluntarily agree to participate in FRC Program;
- Once a case has been removed to Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, the parent is no longer eligible;
- Registered sex offenders;
- Those not deemed appropriate based on Court’s discretion.
Quick Facts:
- Timeframe
- Minimum 1 year, Maximum 2 year program
- Voluntary
- Parent that requests to be placed in program or that is referred will be offered the program. Other parent is encouraged to participate and report as to how Participant is progressing with visitation of minor child(ren).
- Waivers
- must be signed allowing other parent (OP) and Court Treatment Team to be informed as to how treatment is progressing.
- Participants and or other parent’s attorney permitted to attend it anytime.
- Voluntary to enter
- Provides linking with community resources & treatment services;
- Increased judicial supervision;
- Reduces need for repeated Court intervention post-decree
- Allows for more time than what is provided by the Supreme Court Case Management Guidelines
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At each phase, parenting time schedules will be reviewed and interim orders issued.
Participant will appear before judge every two weeks until Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Assessment completed Max 90 Days
Participant appears Monthly and has begun treatment
Participant appears every 60 days and is active in treatment
Participant appears every 90 days and has completed treatment and/or maintained goals for mental health counseling.
After 2 court appearances in Phase 4, with no relapse, and no criminal charges participant graduates.