General Information

The Summit County Domestic Relations Court is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  All visitors must pass through a metal detector upon entering the building. Firearms and other weapons may not be brought into the courthouse.

Magistrate trials and hearings are generally held on the third floor of the courthouse.  Hearings or trials presided by a judge are held on the fourth floor.  There are security desks on both floors; please check-in with the attendant upon arrival.

This court is closed on all county-observed Holidays.  


Court Administration


Family Court Services
  • Administrative Judge | Hon. Katarina Cook | (330) 643-2357
  • Judicial Attorney  | Renee Gosney-Shea | (330) 643-2730 |
  • Bailiff | Claire McIntire| (330) 643-2357 |


  • Judge | Hon. Kani Harvey Hightower | (330) 643-2080
  • Judicial Attorney/Magistrate |Ryan Kinney | (330) 643-8387 |
  • Bailiff | LeNitra Little | (330) 643-2080 |
  • Court Reporter (Judge Kani Harvey Hightower) | Ashanti Edwards | (330) 643-2361 |
Transcripts and Audio Requests
  • Bailiff (Judge Cook) | Claire McIntire| (330) 643-2357 |
  • Court Reporter (Judge Hightower) | Ashanti Edwards | (330) 643-2361 |

Audio Requests |

Family Recovery Court

Please email for information regarding this program.