Zoom Instructions & Staff Zoom Links

Zoom Attendance Instructions

1. Please make sure that you have a private place in which to conduct the meeting.  Mediation/Evaluation is a CONFIDENTIAL process and the child/children, or any other person or party, are specifically prohibited from the Zoom meeting. If it is discovered that other persons are present or able to hear the Zoom meeting, the meeting will be immediately discontinued and the meeting will be reset to be in person in the Court building. No one is permitted to record any Zoom meeting with the Court or to communicate with anyone else not a part of the Zoom meeting in any fashion unless permission is requested during the hearing and granted by Court personnel.

2. Download the Zoom app in advance of your hearing, mediation, or evaluation. Please note, if you are using a laptop or desktop computer, this must have a camera.  If you do not have a camera on your desktop or laptop, you can utilize a smartphone.

3. Review your email.  Your invitation to the meeting may come through the email address you provided to the Court.  If you did not receive an email, you can join your hearing using the links posted further down this page.

4. Access the meeting with the Meeting ID # provided in the email invitation. If you did not receive a Zoom link, a list of Zoom links are provided below.  You do not need a Meeting ID # to launch the Zoom app.

If, for any reason, you cannot access the app, i.e. you have no device, you have no one to watch your children, etc., do NOT worry.  Please call the Summit County Domestic Relations Court at 330-643-2365 to inform us that you are unable to attend the Zoom court hearing/ mediation/evaluation interview PRIOR to the date.

Physical copies of any proposed exhibits must be delivered to the presiding Magistrate or Judge twenty-four (24) hours prior to the hearing if you are appearing by Zoom.  

Court Staff Zoom Links

No meeting ID is necessary.  Click the link in the right column to initiate the meeting.  If you have not downloaded the Zoom app, you will be prompted to do so when you click the link.  Once you have downloaded the App, return to this page and click the link again to join the meeting.

Name Zoom ID (Click the link to launch meeting)
Judge Katarina Cook https://zoom.us/my/drcourtkcook
Judge Kani H Hightower

Visiting Judge https://zoom.us/my/drcourtvj
Magistrate Jason Adams https://zoom.us/my/drcourtjadams
Magistrate Erin Dazey

Magistrate Diane Dougherty https://zoom.us/my/drcourtddougherty
Magistrate Cara Ford https://zoom.us/my/drcourtcford
Chief Magistrate Elisa Hill https://zoom.us/my/drcourtehill
Magistrate Rebecca Heimbaugh https://zoom.us/my/drcourtrheimbaugh
Magistrate David Lombardi https://zoom.us/my/drcourtlombardi
Magistrate Christopher Snyder https://zoom.us/my/drcourtcsnyder
Magistrate Brittany Durieux https://zoom.us/my/drcourtbdurieux
Magistrate Lynn Seifert https://zoom.us/my/drcourtlseifert
Magistrate Kimberly Rivera
Family Court Services and Mediations
Paul Henry,Public Outreach Director
Randy Flick, Family Court Services Director https://zoom.us/my/drcourtrflick
Alissa Endicott, Family Court Services Evaluator https://zoom.us/my/drcourtaendicott
Cortney Crew, Family Court Services Evaluator https://drcourt.zoom.us/my/ccrew
Joan Shaffer, Family Court Services Evaluator https://drcourt.zoom.us/my/drcourjshaffer
Lisa Radaker, Family Court Services Evaluator
Jean Dietz, Family Court Services Evaluator https://zoom.us/my/drcourtjdietz